CoLoS - Conceptual Learning of Science

The CoLoS is an international consortium of research teams from several European Universities, promoting the development of innovative teaching methods in science and technology. Initiated by Hewlett-Packard in 1988 this has now become a permanent effort with yearly meetings and publications. Check the CoLoS home page in Lyon for more information on its members and activities.

In 1998, we organised the International CoLoS Conference in Maribor: "New Network-Based Media in Education"

Our contributions to CoLoS are mainly related to software learning tools and Java technology.
Following links represent some results of our work in this domain:

Understanding Electrical Conduction in Wires
Course by Prof. Zvonko Fazarinc, Stanford University, USA
Applets from the course

Mean value multiprogramming model (in Slovene)
Lecture for Computer System Evaluation course, made by students

Learning applets from different courses:
Operating Systems
Computer System Evaluation
Signal and Image Processing

Heart surgery demonstration applets